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Triple Ripple Effect

The triple ripple effect of Māori businesses talks to the positive socio-economic impact Māori businesses create above and beyond delivering the goods, services and/or works they were established to provide.These additional positive impacts are the ‘ripple effects’ and there are 3 broader areas Māori businesses consistently impact that contribute to a prosperous and inclusive Aotearoa.Whānau - the positive impact on whānauCommunity - the positive impact on people through the daily opera...

March 21, 2023

What is Supplier Diversity and why does it matter in Aotearoa?

Puna Awarau or Supplier diversity is a global practice to enable minority-owned businesses strategically and intentionally to be engaged in business-to-business (B2B) supply chains.The aim is to uplift marginalised communities excluded from the economic success of the country, by intentionally looking for ways to buy goods and services from minority owned businesses.Here in Aotearoa, we specifically focus on Māori and Pasifika businesses. A Māori business is a business that has at least 50% sh...

March 21, 2023

Why organisations are implementing supplier diversity

The reasons why organisations decide to diversify who they buy from differs. Some are genuinely struck by the country's inequities and want to make a difference through their work. They recognise that they can achieve this impact through buying from Māori and Pasifika businesses. This gives organisations and their employees such a great sense of purpose in their work.Some recognise that having diverse businesses can bring diverse perspectives and innovation to their supply chain. Others recogni...

March 21, 2023

We have launched!

Papaki kau ana ngā tai ki uta.He puna waioraHe puna wānangaHe puna awarauKua parahia te huarahi e ngā manukuraMe whanake tōnuHei mana tauriteHei mana pāporiHei mana whakahekeKia hora te marinoKia whakapapa pounamu te moanaKōkiri!...

November 7, 2022 Posts 26-29 of 29 | Page prev